Holiday Recycling
Partnering with unique enviro-conscious companies allows us to learn daily how to be better. The holidays are a tough time on the earth -- so much waste! Eco Enclose is the company that provides us with our recycled and reusable poly mailers that we ship our JJs in. They gave us this “Holiday Recycling Cheat Sheet” that we’d like to share. Good stuff to know before you begin decorating under your tree.
Wrapping Paper: Is it shiny? Does it have foil or glitter? If yes, try to reuse or send to landfill. If not, call your local recycler. Most will accept, but some don’t because of the low quality paper or clay content. Some will accept but have designated drop off locations.
Gift Bows & Ribbons: Unrecyclable. Save for next holiday season or reuse for arts and other decorations. If reuse is not an option, send to landfill.
Christmas Tree: Live cut tree: Strip tree of all ornaments, lights, tinsel. Remove any plastic you’re using to keep your home clean. Follow your city’s pickup schedule or drop off location. Tree will be mulched and used as the city needs. Potted tree: Plant tree outside, ensuring your climate is favorable. Artificial tree: Save for next year or donate/giveaway. If that isn’t feasible, ask your local recycler. Most likely it will need to be landfill.
Christmas Lights: Save for future holidays seasons. If lights are broken, find local facility that accepts them for recycling, such as Lowes or Home Depot. Lights are typically sent to China where the plastic, copper and brass is stripped out and used for other goods.
Gift Cards: Once used, see if the company accepts them back and reuses them. If not, send to EarthWorks or drop off at a local Best Buy.
At JJwinks, we are trying to do our part. Our gift wrap is a recycleable gift box and ribbon. We don't use wrapping paper for eco reasons. We send it off hoping that someone, at least, reuses the ribbon. Fingers crossed!