Why Sustainable Fashion Matters
On this Earth Day, most of us will pat ourselves on the back for recycling our cans, conserving water, installing solar panels and the like. But, despite all those efforts, you probably don’t realize that you most likely are inherently implicit in the world’s second largest pollutant after oil just by getting dressed every day. The clothing and textile industry is quickly growing closer to becoming the largest source of pollution and water usage in the world.
According to Global News, April 19, 2018, apparel manufacturing touches on four major areas: waste, water, toxic chemicals and energy. Many clothes on the market today are manufactured using harmful chemicals in order to make synthetic fiber or for dying and bleaching the clothing. Most people do not realize that even natural cotton is chalked full of tons of nasty chemicals.
By choosing organic fibers or sustainable fabrics - such as bamboo, hemp or Lenzing Modal - you can reduce your carbon footprint while also trimming the amount of chemicals you bring into your life.
And the biggest plus to all of this? Sustainably made clothing actually lasts longer. According to Maker’s Row, an online marketplace that connects American manufacturers with small to medium sized businesses, research shows that buying clothes made from organic, renewable fibers is not only less toxic, but they are more durable and timeless. By making the choice to be more aware of where your clothing comes from, you will be doing more for the earth and yourself.
Global News says, “Go to your favorite brand’s website and if they aren’t talking about their sustainability practices, that should be a red flag.”
So, give some thought to what you are wearing and how it was made on this Earth Day. At JJwinks, making our loungewear/sleepwear in a way that doesn’t harm our world is one of the hardest, yet most worthwhile things we do. With more pressure from consumers, we hope that others in our industry will jump on the bandwagon and start making the necessary changes towards becoming an industry that is eco-friendly. Get Your JJs On.